St Patrick’s Day

this is about all I have to say bout this farce of a holiday. spd_green-pee_rk.gifYeah, so I really am mostly annoyed by this “holiday” in the week leading up to it, but for some damn reason I always end up “celebrating” somehow. And I use the quotes a bit sarcastically because even though I can respect what it once meant, it’s now just another over-commercialized day on which to extract cash from the masses. Nice if you’re a benefiting businessperson, but as a so called “consumer” it all leaves me a bit perturbed. As in “Hey, let’s sell the crappiest and cheapest swill we can with some green food coloring and call it a party! whoohoo! Luck of the Irish to ya!” WTF?! I can guarantee the worst beer any true Irishman ever drank was light years better than that concept. Well, slightly stepping down off my high horse, yet still standing high enough to be on my soapbox… I did end up having a mini celebration for myself. I drove away the snakes by visiting The Comet and enjoyed a 9% Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout on draft and a 10.5% Bell’s Expedition Stout on cask. I figure in just those 2 beers I STILL drank WAY better than 99.9% of this beer forsaken city. So, Erin Go Braugh, and Screw You! I am partially Irish…. I just have enough German sensibility to not be a complete douche when it comes to joining the masses for a fake party.

Published in: on March 14, 2008 at 11:34 am  Leave a Comment